Owadan Tourism: Tours






REF:I- A2; 5-days tour in Turkmenistan


Cultural tour. Enchanting Margiana. This trip gives you an opportunity to experience Turkmenistan rich cultural legacy and create more-cultural connections.


Day 1 Meeting at the border\ coming from Bukhara\.Border formalities. Transfer to Turkmenabad. Lunch.Transfer to Mary\290 km of Turkmenabad Check- in the hotel. Dinner. O\N

Day 2 After breakfast transfer to Ancient Merv\ 30 km of Mary\ to explore the process of urbanization in Central Asia. Visit of Erk Kala and Gyaur Kala, Soltan Kala, Mausoleum of Soltan Sandjar, Big and small Kiz Kala. After lunch visit the historical museum.

Day 3 After breakfast transfer to Ashgabat\ 350 km\ . En route visit the ruins of Abiverd –‘the granary of the Northern Khorosan’. Arrival in Ashgabat.Lunch. Check in. Dinner. O|N

Day 4 After Breakfast sightseeing of Ashgabat. Visit the Independence park, the Arch of Neutrality, Ertogrul Gazi mosque , the Spiritual mosque of Turkmenbashi. Lunch at the local restaurant. After lunch visit of Old Nisa\ 18 km of Ashgabat to the south-west. Return back to Ashgabat, visit of the national museum. Traditional Dinner. Folk show. O|N

Day 5 Transfer to the airport to take a flight to Dashoguz. Arrival to Dashoguz. Breakfast. After breakfast transfer to Kune Urgench\ 100 km of Dashoguz. Sightseeing programme in Kune- Urgench. Return back to Dashoguz. Lunch. Transfer to the border. Border formalities.


REF: I- A3; 7-days tour in Turkmenistan


Day 1 Arrival to Ashgabat. Check in at the hotel. City tour. Visit of the Arch Neutrality, Independence Square, Ertogrul Gazi mosque. Lunch. Transfer to the airport to take an evening flight to Turkmenbashi. Arrival in Turkmenbashi. Check - in at the hotel. Dinner. O\N.

Day 2 After breakfast explore the city. Transfer to Gozli Ata mausoleum. Lunch box for lunch. Dinner.

Day 3 After breakfast drive to the mountain area to see the country of canyons. This destination combines unique sceneries of white, green and pink rocks, breathtaking views and diversity of terrains- hilly, mountainous and smooth. Lunch. Continue to explore the country of canyons. Dinner .O|N

Day 4 After breakfast transfer to Nokhur. Dinner with a local family. Overstay at the Turkmen house.

Day 5 Breakfast. Full day to explore the settlement and the mountain area. Lunch and dinner with a local family. Overnight at the Turkmen house.

Day 6 After breakfast transfer to Ashgabad. Lunch. Dinner. Free time.

Day 7 Transfer to the airport for the final destination.



REF: I-A4; 10-days tour in Turkmenistan


Day 1 Arrival in Ashgabat. Half day city tour. O|N at the hotel

Day 2 In the morning visit the biggest market in Central Asia. O|N at the hotel

Day 3 Visit to Anau\ 12 km of Ashgabat. Visit of the museum, where you can see the artifacts discovered at this site.

Day 4 Visit to the underground Lake\ 107 km of Ashgabat. On the way visit Geok Depe Mosque, named after Saparmurad Khadji .

Day 5 Transfer to the airport to take an early flight to Turkmenbashi. Arrival in Turkmenbashi. Half day city tour. O|N at the hotel

Day 6 Transfer to the airport to take an early flight to Ashgabat. Arrival in Ashgabat. In the afternoon drive to Mary\350 km. O|N at the hotel

Day 7 Visit the Ancient Merv and local museum. O|N at the hotel

Day 8 Visit Talkhatan Baba mausoleum\ 12 c. Transfer to the airport to take an evening flight to Ashgabat.

Day 9 Visit Old Nisa and national museum.

Day 10 Transfer to the airport for the final destination.


REFR: I –A5; 9-days tour in Turkmenistan


This tour involves a visit to one of the most interesting bazaars in Central Asia, the underground lake, the four doomed Astana Baba mausoleum, a drive in the gorgeous valleys and canyons, acquaintance with the thoroughbred Akhal Teke horses,20 minutes trek to see dinosaur footprints, longer trek to visit a cave, replete with stalactites and stalagmites, a visit to rock salt cave.

Day 1 Late arrival in Ashgabat. Border formalities. Transfer to the hotel. O\N

Day 2 City tour. Visit the Independence Square, the Arch of Neutrality, Ertogrul Gazi mosque. Lunch. Transfer to the horse breeding farm to see the thoroughbred Akhal Teke horses. The Akhal Teke horses have enormous stamina and beauty and unique golden-colored coat possessing a brilliant metallic sheen. There is nothing more exciting than to observe these beautiful creatures in movement. They are elegant and graceful and look great when trot. They have an outstanding speed and endurance and highly developed nervous system. They are perfect in marathon race, flat conquer and breaking in. Dinner. O\N.

Day 3 Visit the biggest market in Central Asia\ Tolkuchka bazaar\. Lunch. Transfer to the Bakharden underground lake\ 107 km south-west of Ashgabat. Day 4 Transfer to the airport to take a flight to Turkmenabat. Arrival to Turkmenabat. Transfer to Kugitang\400 km.Visit En route visit Astana Baba mausoleum. Lunch box for lunch. Arrival in Kugitang. Check in at the tourist lodge. Dinner.

Day 5 Drive to the mountain area to discover the Dinosaur plateau and cave of Kyrk Gyz ( 40 girls). Lunch. Visit of the rock salt cave. Drive to the mountain area to see the stalactite cave. Dinner .O\N

Day 6 Transfer to Turkmenabad\ 400 km. Lunch box for lunch. Arrival in Turkmenabad. Dinner. Check in at the hotel. O\N

Day 7 After breakfast transfer to Mary\ 290 km. Arrival to Mary. Check in at the hotel. Lunch. Visit of Talkhatan Baba mosque – a masterpiece of Seljuk architecture\ 50 km of Mary.Dinner. O\N.

Day 8 After breakfast drive to Ancient Merv\ 30 km. Lunch. Transfer to the airport to take an evening flight to Ashgabat. Arrival in Ashgabat. Check in at the hotel. Dinner. O|N.

Day 9 Transfer to the airport to take an early flight to Dashoguz. Arriaval in Dashoguz. After breakfast drive to Kone-Urgench\100 km from Dashoguz. Return to Dashoguz. Lunch. Transfer to the Turkmen-Uzbek border. Custom formalities. The end of our services.



REF: I –A6; 17-days tour in Turkmenistan. Turkmenistan is a country of contrasts.


Day 1 23.30 Arrival to Ashgabat international airport .Transfer to the hotel ( 4****) Nisa.Check in. Overnight at the hotel.

Day 2 Breakfast. Excursion to Old Nisa\18 km of Ashgabat to the south- west. The site Old Nisa covers around 18 ha. Some researchers have accordingly linked the construction of the site to the Parthian ruler Mithridates. Archaeologists continue to dig here. Old Nisa has been described as a royal residence of the Parthian kings . Visit the National Museum. Lunch at the local café. After lunch city tour. Transfer to Kipchak\ 7 km of Ashgabat. Visit the memorial complex and Ruhy( Spriritual) Mosque, which is supposed to be the biggest in Central Asia.

Day 3 Transfer to Kara Kala - a settlement in the subtropical area of the Kuren Dag Mountains in the Western Kopet Dag chain.\330 km of Ashgabat to the south -west. Overnight with the local family. This destination combines unique sceneries of the moon mountains and hot water spring.

Day 4 After breakfast transfer to Ashgabat\330 km. Overnight at the hotel.

Day 5 After breakfast. Transfer to Badhyz\500 km of Ashagabt at the eastern edge of the Kopet Dag Mountains.

Day 6 After breakfast sightseeing of Badhyz . Badhyz is one of the most attractive natural environments in Turkmenistan. Here one could discover pistachio trees, some of which are 700 years old and salty lakes. The nature reserve was established here in 1941, primarily to provide a protected area for the local herds of the Central Asian wild kulans.

Day 7 After breakfast transfer to Mary via Ekedishik, which is a cave settlement with more than 40 rooms on two levels. Some scholars believe that they were constructed by early Christian communities. Others suggest that the complex might have been a Buddhist monastery.\400 km. Sightseeing of the mausoleums of Imam Baba, reportedly mentioned by the Russian orientalist Zhukovsky, who carried out a survey of Merv in 1890. Visit Kambar Baba, and Talkhatan Baba mausoleums.

Day 8 Transfer to Margush\ 125 km from Mary into the Kara Kum desert. Sightseeing of Gonur Depe to discover the country of Margush – a remarkable Bronze Age civilization, which have had close ties with Bactria and Methopotamia. Transfer to Mary\ 125 km. Overnight at the hotel.

Day 9 Transfer to Turkmenabat via Repetek , which is the oldest nature preserve in Turkmenistan .It was established in 1927. UNESCO awarded it the status of an International Biosphere reserve. In 1985 the nature reserve was visited by the British naturalist Gerald Durrel. Arrival in Turkmenabat and overnight at the hotel Turkmenabat.

Day 10 After breakfast transfer to Kugitang\350 km. Overnight at the tourist lodge. Lunch box for lunch. Dinner at the tourist lodge to taste traditional Turkemn cuisine.

Day 11 After breakfast full day sightseeing of Kugitang to discover the dinosaur plateau, rock salt cave, the Canyon and Cave Kyrk Gyz( ‘40 Girls’) , stalactite cave. Lunch and dinner at the tourist lodge to taste the local cuisine. Overnight at the tourist lodge.

Day 12 After breakfast transfer to Turkmenabat\ 350 km\ 5 hours by car. Lunch box for lunch. Arrival in Turkmenabat. Dinner at the Lebab restaurant. Overnight at the Turkmenabat hotel.

Day 13 After breakfast transfer to Dashgovuz\550 km. Lunch box for lunch. Arrival in Dashgovuz- the northernmost point in Turkmenistan.. Dinner at the Uzboi hotel. Overnight at the Uzboi hotel.

Day 14 After breakfast transfer to Izmuikshir to see the ruins of the town of Zamakshar. The place was settled from ancient times and became a significant regional town of medieval Khorezm. \25 km southwest of Dashoguz. Lunch and dinner at the local restaurants. Overnight at the hotel Uzboi.

Day 15 After breakfast transfer to Kune Urgench -the medieval capital of the the Khorezmshakh state.\ 100 km of Dashgovuz. Sightseeing of Kune Urgench. To discover the Khorezmian architecture , to see the highest minaret in Central Asia and admire the conic domes of Ill Arslan and Tekesh mausoleums.Lunch box for lunch. Transfer to Darvaza to visit the gas crater.\247 km of Dashgovuz.

Day 16 Transfer to Ashgabat via Erbent.\ 245 km. Erbent is the largest village on the road from Darvaza to Ashgabat. As with most of the desert settlements in the Kara Kum, Erbent is surrounded by sand dunes. Activities typically include the baking of bread in a tamdyr and camel milking. Erbent is a typical desert settlement with single-storey buildings, many with adjacent yurts.and clay constructions with flat roof. Erbent is a home to just hundred people, who are engaged in cattle breeding. Arrival to Ashgabat. Lunch and dinner at the local restaurants. Overnight at the hotel.

Day 17 Transfer to the airport for the final destination.  



REF: I –A7; Active adventures


This tour combines visit of a pure Turkmen settlement in the Kara Kum desert, visit of Kaplankyr nature reserve, relaxing at yurt with the excitement of seeing water crater by day and the flaming crater by night, taking a bath in Issi Suw ( hot water spring). We’ll drive to Erbent, surrounded by sand dunes, to milk a camel, see a hunting dog tazy, taste camel’s milk, participate in felt making and enjoy a Turkmen warm hospitality. Anyone who spent time with a Turkmen family will confirm that the warm nature of the Turkmen people is not something specially created for tourist brochures, it exists for real. Genuine friendless is as natural to the Turkmen people as to make traditional chourek\bred.


REF: I- A8; Combination tour Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan. 15-day tour


Day 1 Arrival in Tashkent. City tour( Kakeldash Madrasseh\ 14 c., Barak-Khan Madrasseh\16 c., Telashaykh mosque\19 c..O|N at the hotel

Day 2 Transfer to Samarkand\ 280 km. Excursion program. O|N at the hotel

Day 3 Excursion program in Samarkand.O|N at the hotel

Day 4 Transfer to Shakhrisabz\ 180 km Excursion program. O|N at the hotel

Day 5 Transfer to Bukhara\300 km. Excursion program. O\N at the hotel

Day 6 Full day excursion program in Bukhara.O|N at the hotel

Day 7 Transfer to Uzbek- Turkmen border. Custom’s formalities Transfer to Mary via Turkmenabad\290km

Day 8 Excursion program to Ancient Merv. Local historical museum. O|N at the hotel

Day 9 Excursion program\ Taklhatan Baba mausoleum, the Murgab Dam. O|N at the hotel

Day 10 Transfer to Ashgabat\350 km\. Visit Meane Baba Mausoleum ( 13,c)\\\ Nedir Shakh fortress( 18 c), Abiverd ( 12c)

Day 11 Visit of the biggest Bazaar in Central Asia. City tour

Day 12 Visit Old Nisa and National Museum Horse breeding farm to see ‘heavenly’ Akhal Teke horses.O|N at the hotel

Day 13 Transfer to the airport to take a morning flight to Dashoguz. Transfer to Kune-Urgench\ 100 km. Return to Dashoguz. Transfer to Turkmen border. Custom’s formalities. Transfer to Khiva.\65 km. O|N at the hotel

Day 14 Excursion program in Khiva. Transfer to the airport to take a flight to Tashkent. O|N at the hotel

Day 15 Transfer to the airport for the final destination.




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